Irish band, in some places included in NWOBHM some others not, you choose! Recording with newer Needle in the Groove and Straight Forward recordings, not the same that were on the original album recording.
1. In the Heat of the Night
2. Burnin' Up
3. Needle in the Groove
4. Reach for the Top
5. Record Machine
6. Silence Is out of Fashion
7. Straight Forward, No Looking Back
8. Runaway Dreams
9. Getting Out
10. Belfast City Blues
Maybe The New Wave Of Irish Heavy Metal?... Thanx
Yeah, maybe NWOIHM would be more accurate, anyway they're included in the Malc Macmillan's NWOBHM encyclopedia so....
Enjoy! :D
Hello. Can I please have the password to the rar file please? Thanks in advance.
Wait...I got it. It's ****** ;-). I used to own the metal video conmpilation "Metal Edge" and there two Mama's Boys songs in that video. Brings back fond memories. Keep up the good work.
Hey,Great Band!!I don't Think They Were Into NWOBHM,In Fact,I Don't Even Think They Made Heavy Metal,They Were A Great Hard Rock Band!!!Please,Would Somebody Give Me The Password To Unrar The File?Thank You!!
I have a problem locating the password. Could you please share it with us? Thanks for these albums.
love your site just wondering if i could get tyhe password for this one please my email is
Kind Regards
Hey there!
I was wondering if you had a pass for plug it in???
Than in advance!!
Password please! Much obliged!
Hi, Great collection of music on the site. Any chance I could get the rar password for this album ?
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