Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hammerhead - Will to Survive (192kbps) - 2001

Compilation of remastered tracks, recorded from 1981 to 1996. Some of the songs pre-dates the NWOBHM movement, were written in the mid 70's.

01. Ton Of Bricks
02. Don't Look Down
03. Lonely Man
04. Crying As I Fall
05. BJ Special (Live 1982)
06. Time Will Tell
07. Will To Survive
08. Heavy Handed
09. Lochinvar



Bomber said...

Thankyou so much for this, I love Hammerhead, you are fucking great, I love you

kallepoxy said...

hi dear ironmaid,
I#d really like to hear that HAMMERHEAD will to survive file.
please send me the code.
that would be really cool.
send to my email address:

i really like your blog!!!
cheers from germany

-l- Unholy Perversor 666 -l- said...

Great and clas-sick stuff! Would you send me the pass? infantesdeacero@gmail.com

Cheers in advance!

Black Wolf

LeXon said...

Could you please send the pass to me aswell? lexon.b123@gmail.com

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

A Fantastic archive. I'd love the password to "Hammerhead's Will To Survive". Email to r0ck_ard@hotmail.co.uk if possible.

Clever said...

Hello, please would you send me the pass? merloc23@yahoo.com.br
cheers from Brasil.

Clever said...

Hello, Would you send me the pass?
Tanks and cheers from Brasil

"METAL FEST" said...

Hi there ! could you bring me the password for hammer fall Will to survive, please ?