Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mythra - Death & Destiny (192kbps) - 1981

This album was recorded in 1981 but got never released. Goat knows why, but in 1998 it was finally available on CD.

01 Death & destiny
02 Killer
03 Overlord
04 Paradise
05 Age of the machine
06 Blue acid
07 U.F.O.
08 At least they tried
09 Vicious bastards
10 England
11 Warrior of time
12 Death of a loved one
13 Heaven lies above


Chan said...

Need password for this as well? Thanks!

Unknown said...

hello, the pass please

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for the upload, but where is the pass ?

ravendark said...

Hi, totally blown away by this site. Not seen this album before, bought the single. could I have the password please. does every download need a separate password ? Regards Raven.